Teen Advisory Board: Next Meeting TBD
Join the Beekley Library's Teen Advisory Board! We are looking for 6-10 young adults in the New Hartford area who love books and are interested in serving on the board. The board will meet once a month at the Beekley. Board members must be 13-18 years old, respectful, a team player, enthusiastic, and passionate about books and reading.
Teen Advisory Board Duties:
Interested young adults should email Melanie Ollett at [email protected] with a short paragraph (4-8 sentences) as to why they want to be a part of the Teen Advisory Board.
Teen Advisory Board Duties:
- Creating and planning teen events.
- Providing input on materials purchased for the Young Adult section.
- Launching and running the Beekley’s TikTok account under the supervision of the Children’s and Young Adult Assistant.
- Suggest and help improve ways for the library to promote materials and events to teens.
Interested young adults should email Melanie Ollett at [email protected] with a short paragraph (4-8 sentences) as to why they want to be a part of the Teen Advisory Board.
Seeking YA Book Suggestions!

What was your favorite read last month? Last week? What is your favorite genre? Your favorite subject? What are you obsessed with? We want to hear from you!
Stop in and fill out a yellow slip at the circulation desk and let us know what you want to read.
Or email Melanie Ollett at [email protected] with your suggestions!

Citation Guides
Visit Purdue Owl for information about MLA, APA, and Chicago citation guides.
You can also use the citation generators through EasyBib and Citation Machine to help you cite your sources. You can also use these sites to check your paper for plagiarism.